Friday, December 18, 2009

HW 31 - Exploring methods/Aggrandizing the self

I had remembered once that a friend of mine, this girl from school, had mentioned she didnt really take an interest in another girl. Basically, she disliked her. And it wasnt just anyone. It was a girl that was my friend too, one who i never really thought had problems with the other girls. I asked why, and she responded with, "just look at her! dont you think she is fake?" and when she said that, i thought about it for a second. Not thinking about whether she was fake or not, but just that the reality of it was, I was probably closer to the other girl and responded to her better and could relate more to the other one, with some things in common. So if me and the other girl were more alike than the other one, did that make me fake to her as well? of course i didnt bring this up to her. She was slandering another girl who wasnt cool to her, in her eyes, while remaining in the role in which she already started playing as a mean person, which was what seemed cool in her eyes. Obviously, in my eyes, i didnt think that was cool and that the exact opposite (if i had to choose) was cooler then the other. It also could have been that i felt sorry for her and she seemed to be cooler at that very moment.

Sometimes i can be the same way i realized. Ill jokingly put others down, in hopes of being viewed as cooler then the one being slammed. And whether i am jokingly the one being out down, by a friend lets say, ill strike back in order to bring up my chances of competing for the "whos cooler" competition. Without even realizing this can all happen. I can robotically makje actions, based on what i have been doing for years. Another thing about myself, pertaining to the same scenario, is when a group of people are ganging up on one person, who is obviously viewed as uncool, but the group, as a whole, may seem cool for the moment due to their actions, are seen to everyone as hilarious and momentarily cool. When i witness things like that, i jump into a role where i am the only one who doesnt find this cool, and will speak against those who are, because ill find myself (in my head) to be socially acceptable as a coolperson, whos opinion is respected. What i didnt realize from the beginning, is that i too can easily become the jerk on the other side, and when i choose to not be it is what i believe to be the cool thing to do at the moment. Jumping roles.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

hw 30 - Psychological and Phylosophical Theorizing of cool

“Cool can be viewed as a major attempt to fill the emptiness inside of us with an internal heroic mission and external validation.” For Dr. Milo Wolff, his sense of purpose was just trying to understand what he was being taught in college all those years, Quantum-Mechanics. Not until a much older age did he extract his learning’s from both physics and philosophy. Now having a published book, and an entirely world-studied discovery, he seems to feel he has found that new sense of purpose for himself. For both the philosophical world and the science world, this discovery is one of the latest and most generated sources of “cool” findings.

In Dr. Wolff’s case, his emptiness within has finally had some light shed upon, opening up for him a brighter tomorrow, as he celebrates today. In the article provided by, it elaborates his findings and digs deeper into the philosophy side. The purpose of this small post is not to investigate the findings of Dr. Wolf and his discovery, but to magnify the words of brilliant minds of our past that helped make that discovery possible whatsoever. Not to forget that his discovery was created on instinct in hopes of filling whatever void was left in him, whether it was in his mind, heart, or soul.

I believe emptiness is something found in someone, after damage is caused. It’s not something that was always there, but something that shows up out of nowhere with no explanation of its being there, and forced to be treated. Of course, this damage, is not something physical and real, but something invisible and only spoken of. Being cool is not something peopling are, but something they only aspire to become. It is the representation of something that you crave to have in your life. It is commonly mistaken for fashion, or an essential to the fashion-world. Cool can be something as easy as learning how to be a great cook, or going from an average reader to an outspoken intellectual, all due to reading more. It’s what you want in your life, what you’re dying to have.

“When the mind's eye rests on objects illuminated by truth and reality, it understands and comprehends them, and functions intelligently; but when it turns to the twilight world of change and decay, it can only form opinions, its vision is confused and its beliefs shifting, and it seems to lack intelligence (Plato, Republic).”

Today’s world of collecting only what we feel is necessary to obtain “coolness” is probably what Albert Einstein was referring to mentioning what is needed for society in order to “overcome the modernist's snobbishness,” something relatable still to this day. After all, the word “cool” probably holds as much meaning to a famished homeless man when shown a picture of food, to a drowning man shown to him a picture of oxygen. Nothing less than desirable.


Sunday, December 13, 2009

HW 29 - Merchants of Cool

Is it evil to help the corporations to manipulate the minds of young people for the sake of profit?

The word "evil' shouldnt be used for neither the kids helping corporations reach out to audiences or the corporations themselves. They run focus groups only to reach out. Teenagers happen to be the most popular and highest rated group of consumers to them. it seems reasonable for them to use teenagers as they're no.1 marketed research, as Adults have gotten too old or less "cool" to know whats in or out, and children are too young to understand most of these discussions or less mature than teens.

Then again, corporations also mention that teens are the hardest group to reach out to, as they seem in-cooperative and are hardest to analyze, digging into they're minds. Based on what teens like, its hard getting whats cool or uncool. When corporations actually find out what it is that most kids think is cool and others have yet to realize, it is publicized for the entire teenager audience to see, revealing its secrecy and its sense of coolness is no longer.

In the end, what seems like corporations going out of they're way(s) to make life more appreciative for teens through possessions, is nothing more then them only creating things for us to consume so that they can have us in they're pockets while we give them what is in ours. How evil can corporations be when we are aware of what they are giving us, and yet we complain while handing over our wallets. Selling our souls to the devil, that saying sounds familiar. We call them evil for brainwashing us, even though we gave them the information to start them off with, or for just taking our money.?

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

HW 28 - Informal research

The "coolhunter" is a website that itterates what is seen as "cool" throughout the entire globe. They do not consider themselves trend-seters, not do they detect "trend probability", or is to become the next cool. The about us section explains what the websites mission is briefly, what is cool is not only what they see in the U.S., but what similarities and relevance they find in any setting between the states and other countries. They are considered to be "a leading authority on all things creative and a truly global hub for what's cool, thoughtful, innovative and original. We value global relevance, not trends, channeling our discoveries to our worldwide audience."'s business section explores through several articles what's cool and latest in the businessworld. They define some things like newest social networks accessed during business flights, or business tools, and latest ways to get rich on the web. All the latest functions and business related things are seen as "cool".

Vice-Magazine, a well read source in L.A., explores the concept of cool through their two teen interns that were allowed to write an entire web-based article on whats cool. "Saying you’re cool isn’t cool. That just shits on your whole image or look or whatever. Right now, carelessness is cool. This may include not bathing, not washing your clothes, buying pre-fucked up clothing, and wearing things until they are completely destroyed. Personal hygiene is no longer a factor. Busted Levi’s and vintage clunky boots are where it’s at. This feeling of whatever is cool." The two investigated whats seen as cool, like which cameras or transportation devices, providing pictures and writing the entire article with a douche-bag attitude throughout.

Cool Hunting is a website that updates itself daily on the latest. Whether it be ideas, products, all tying into art, culture, technology, or design. ALthough they choose not to preview objects that are liked through a wide-audience, but rather what they like. They must like popular things because they attract at least 400,000 readers yearly. "Money can buy you a lot of things, but it can’t buy you coverage on Cool Hunting", their motto.

"How to be cool" article on A website that answers "how-to" questions, how to be cool being one of them. Includes 16 steps, and instructions per step. Says in the article that those who are cool have something in common with each other, "they're all confident, unique, and on friendly terms with everyone." The article has been read (since my visit)541,397 times. A poll is taken at the bottom of the website asking whether the site has been accurate or not, with yes or no buttons to be selected.

Tikos, Bill. "" Webdesigned:2004

Ford,Eliel and Kennedy,Chandler. "" 10/04/2009.

Rubin, Josh. ""
Copyrighted: 2003

Friday, December 4, 2009

HW 27 -Informal Research

I spoke to a friend of mine, and i asked her only a few simple questions pertaining the word "cool". Some easy ones were What do you think is cool? What is your definition of it? and Do you think you are cool? Like others, if asked are they cool, she tried answered in the most humbling answer. She didn't think she was cool, she thought she was just average and no one special only that she is very like able to people and fits in, but wouldn't call it "cool". She believed that others would find her to be cool because of the way she was and her personality, even though she was just being herself always, whether it be polite calm or annoyed. My opinion of her answer though... because i know her and we've often spoken about ourselves, i am aware of her social-life within school, and her social-life outside of it, such as where she lives (Glendale, Queens). She loves her school, Talent Unlimited, a school for those who choose to pursue acting, singing, dancing etc. So odds are applicants in that school are kids of similar goals and needs who will have less differences than anything else between them. And in Glendale, "Gaydale" is what she'll refer to it as, is a place she terribly hates to live in. Supposedly she has only one friend out there, or maybe that is because she only tolerates one teen in that area instead of giving any others a chance. To explain her situation as easy as possible, she is cool in her High School but not so cool in her neighborhood.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

HW 26 - photos and questions

q) what is your idea of the word cool?
a) cool, calm, relaxed individual. chilly .... depends what you mean by cool.

q)so theres different meanings?
a)yeah i suppose so

q) how does one's appearance affect how someone is cool?
a)it can define them. people dont wake up in the morning thinking they will look cool or uncool, they're worried whether they look nice or not. And the rest of the world will label them by the end of the day.

q) do you think you dress "cool"?
a) nah, i can dress, but i could care less at the end of the day. I could just go out with ripped jeans and a t-shirt and thats fine with me.

q) a homeless person could have just ripped jeans and a t-shirt. so you guys are same equivalence of cool?

a) **laughing out loud**

q) so whats your idea of cool?
a) ME!!

q) sir, can u keep this interview professional please? thank you
a) i mean... some one who gets a lot of looks as they walk past

q) why do you think they're getting those looks?
a)idk. if its a girl odds are they just look good. a guy i guess they got style or money or whatever girls like so much.

q)money? so money can make a person cool, whether they are a jerk or not?
a) hey... money talks.

q) what do you think makes someone "cooll"?

a) hmmm... well is this personel or am i answering for everyone ?

q) why, do you think urrr cool? and be honest

a) I don't think im cool in everyones eyes some people think im really a cool person because i am an outgoing bubbly person who lives life as the day goes and for the moment and what im feeling... but other people can find that obnoxious. (these questions are hard) everyone has ...there own taste. i dont think there is a deffinition of cool .
its different for everyone.

q) and whats your definition

a) well cool people are unique different who express themselves in ways i never thought of, people who think differently than i do but also someone i have things in common with. REALLY cool people are artistic in my opinion or have something that they do that can define them as a person that being... an athlete a poet a writer etc. "cool" people to me are fun spontaneous & outgoing

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

HW 25 - Story comments & analysis

To Kiana...

I liked your story kiana. It refelcted upon alot of teenagers these days that try to stand out through possessions. Instead of the boy being himself, he tried being an image that he sees everyday, probably placed in his mind through pop culture and things of that sort. Being obsessed with "coolness" made him do all the wrong things.

To Christian...

I liked your story because it portrays the average "cool" kid being polite for one second to his friends than rude after. Sometimes kids like that will act one way in school, but act like angles or entirely different in front of theyre family or outside friends. I guess Dean is one of those, nervous about the reaction his mother will have of him acting like that in school.

To Elias...

I like your story. Its short yet it explains it all! i have a friend who is just the same way. and i know exactly what u meant by making your character walk away "shaking your head". Sounds like this Edgar guy is living a secret life, or maybe hes just bootyblind? anywhoo, its a good story. i look forward to reading your next short story.

To Anias...

Your story was very creative. The girl, although she tried her hardest for people to stop looking up to her and being idolized, she thought showing much attitude for everyone everywhere was the solution for getting her uncoolness to finally rub off, even though that was the reason she got into that predicament in the first place.

What i noticed about the short stories was that they all included the same elements. Attitude, and style. Whether the person had attitude in general, or they had shown attitude through they're style. These were the two only patterns i saw.

The archtypes of the stories were pursuit of imagery, defiance, and proving the hypocritical lifestyles of the innocence. (if that makes any sense). Its interesting to see that everyones story all included high school life, and all different kinds of people. the most important observation was that no ones character ever noticed they're need for being cool let alone admitting it.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

HW 24 - Short Story 1

That man must be exhausted. Not from sitting there on that park-bench waiting for his daughter to finish playing, but from his life in general. He works two jobs, for the Post office in the day and a dangerous track inspection job for Transit at night. Instead of using free, valuable time to sleep and re-energize himself during the day, he spends the extra time he has with his two sons and daughter out in Queens. Also in Queens, is the mother of his daughters other son, similar in age, who he still spends time with also even though he and the woman aren't together anymore, meaning that boy is no longer his step-son, yet he sticks around. His daughter, in Queens, has Soccer Practice on Saturdays, Church on Sundays, the step-son has soccer practice and needs to be taken to the library often. The other two sons, one only looking for support at his football games and the other, too old for the "quality time" spent at the park or bike-riding. Where is the mom? Probably out with her newest boyfriend again, the youngest girl complains. After a very tough breakup and permanent separation, the game of "watching your ex with new people without letting it bother you" begins. Knowing the new boyfriend comes by his children doesn't bother the man MUCH, but interestingly when they used the word "cool" and him surprisingly took him over the top. "Daddy, he has a motorcycle its so cool". "His house is huge!" "He does this trick where you take the balloon and..."
Never been called cool, and now will never get the chance to be. Using all his free time in his life to create impacts on his children's lives, only by simply being there. Not enough sleep in his life led to lack of focus in his night job, an incident is what they called it. And his son, I, now misses that "quality time" he thought he was too cool for. You think that new boyfriend will take the kids to practice in his cool motorcycle?

Monday, November 16, 2009

HW 23 - 1st constructive exploration of cool

For this first post of the Cool unit please explore the definition, feeling, concept, experience, pursuit of cool.

What questions do you have about being cool? About being uncool?

What insights have flashed into your mind about cool? Who is cool? What defines cool? What are different types of cool? Are you cool?

"Cool is an aesthetic of attitude, behavior, comportment, appearance and style, influenced by and a product of the Zeitgeist. Because of the varied and changing connotations of cool, as well its subjective nature, the word has no single meaning...."

When looking up the word cool, the results was just as i expected. No single meaning. To be cool is a word that is thrown around that doesn't have a meaning but represents one's stature. To describe literally anything you would want, you can include the word "cool" in your sentence. Cool is usually representing an entire thought, such as "Thats cool!", or "How cool!", such as cool representing the entire phrase nice to see or thats new or interesting. Things we see that we find new and entertaining is instantly referred to as cool.

The movie "Half-Baked" with Dave Chappelle, shows a scene where his friend Scarface is quitting his minimum wage job, where he confronts everyone before he acts. "Fuck you... Fuck you... your cool... and Fuck you, I'm out."- Scarface. This is where he points around the room with a microphone exposing whoever he felt was "cool" as a person that he wouldn't express vulgar words to. Only one person was worthy of that, which was ironically funny because it happened to be this old white guy with white hair who seemed anything but cool. This represents the average American mind, where all we seem to do is wrap our minds and words around "cool". We will get anything that seems cool or associate ourselves with anything or anyone cool.

I do these things myself, I'm not afraid to admit it, although i don't see any reason to be 'afraid' either. I constantly get rid of cellphones or ipods that arent the latest thing, and i myself, used to the lifestyle of switching around, can never seem satisfied with what i have anymore. The newest features always seem cool to us and anything else isnt worth buying. Things we see celebrities with, whether it be fashion or technology, the things they promote to the public has to always be seen as cool, otherwise things we find odd that we catch them doing are often placed in magazine articles or caught on video. i think this cool unit will connect to the digital unit.

Friday, November 13, 2009

HW 21- art project 1

My art project is a mirror of my life, but hammers down on the nails that hold up the true meaning of "art". my video, was allowed to be created in this route based on the rules of the assignment. But my video in my opinion was nothing close to what represents art in our culture. It instead reflects onto immature-america, something that we as a whole should be used to. Trying to imitate the visuals we see everyday around us, whether it be pop culture or Jackass the show or MTV. These things are things that we pretend to view as beautiful and artsy and portrayed as something special. Nevertheless, i still had an incredible amount of fun creating it...

Saturday, November 7, 2009


As if America doesn’t have enough problems to deal with, another small addition has been added onto our plates. Everyone loves Apple’s Macs or Microsoft’s Xbox, only we love them to the point where we are home all day playing with them until they decide to create a portable device. Video games and TV have come a long way when looking at Pac-man and Super Mario Bros. digital graphics compared to the infamous Grand-theft auto or Today’s television shows. There is no doubt that American Society has taken a rise for a newer profound take on technology, but it is too most surely that America’s technological rise will too be the reason for its fall.

Argument 1:
M.T. Anderson, an award winning novelist for his book “Feed” too discusses the downfall that we as a society are leading too. Only he does this in a more interesting way, an allegorical sense that shows the same problems faced by us as a society only in the future. It seems no matter the day and age, from this point on, we will only live to see problems occur with us, while we continue to live superficial lifestyles and judge the next person in two ways, for looking down on those who choose to live this lifestyle and for not joining in on the superficial race to live this way. It is already proven that Human beings are shown as a much “dumber” generation compared to those hundreds of years ago. In Feed, it depicts a picture for us, an eye- opening picture at that, showing we are on a road to only becoming dumber. M.T. Anderson shows us how blind we are to the environment we have created for ourselves. Not paying mind to our problems or the next, we soon disregard the problems that we experience now. We are blinded by the exciting flashy objects things that capture our attention, technology.

“I didn’t know which to choose, because if I got an upcar that was too small, than Link and Marty might be like, ‘We’ll take my car instead, more of us can fit in,’ and then I would have spent these hundreds of thousands of dollars for nothing. But if I bought the Swarp, it was a little more sporty, and that might be brag, because the Dodge Gryphon was maybe too family” (pg. 122).

It is a race for us to be able to claim who owns what, helping to divide us between the powerful and the powerless, while these technological objects representing power.

Argument 2:
Disney’s Motion picture “Wall-E” shows the tale of an only robot that remains on Earth 700 years later in the future, going from cleaning garbage to being aboard a spaceship vacationing all humans until Earth is cleaned. The storyline is more complex and a bit off track. But what remains to be seen in Wall-E is the problems that Humans will drastically go through if we continue to live carelessly not concerning our futures. Besides worrying about where garbage storage will lead us, Wall-E shows us the attachment and dependency we have onto technology. Technology is created to make things simpler for us, but when things get a little too simple, we tend to be less active and social. Being re-exposed to simpler things in life, such as swimming pools or activities less technical, is like being re-born. Movies like these, where scenes take place in the not-so distant future where we seem to have accomplished huge outbreaks in technology. They also show that one human who chooses not to join in on the rush for technology and chooses to live the much simpler life of easier laid back devices, making the character always seem rebellious. This connects to the real world as people constantly get swept into the rush of new technology. Those who choose not to get caught up are seen as left behind or just old-fashioned. This relates to the main idea of the powerful continuing to obtain as the powerless struggle to keep up.

Argument 3:
“Everything bad is good for you”, a book by Steven Johnson that explains the social differences that take place between readers and video-gamest. Interesting enough, he discusses the negative effects that reading has on human beings in this day and age rather than the digital devices surrounding us. His argument for reading was that it encourages the discrimination that society has against those who are dyslexic. Johnson believed that today’s games are a better use for children to practice reading skills and practice strengthening they’re attention spans. Video games today involve mappings, text, storylines, facts, etc. Even reading has become a digital thing for most readers on the go, as a wireless reading device storms through stores and makes a run for the books on people’s shelves.
Introducing the Kindle DX, a handheld device that allows readers to read on a “newer level”. It is size of a small picture frame, that represents one page out of a novel that the text appears onto. For those who have trouble reading, such as glasses users, there are features included such as zooming and lighting for those who are trying to read in the dark. The Kindle DX allows any book to be uploaded into the frame, the touch-screen device allows a simple touch with the finger to flip to the next page. Something as easy as reading, turning pages with your fingers, holding the book with both hands, can turn into something more convenient.

You can’t fight technology that works. Books and movies and messages are all over trying to mold us into boycotting machines. It takes propaganda to fight propaganda. We can see these movies over and over again, or listen to hidden messages in songs, or even realize that along with our consciousness to reality our money in our wallets is also gone. Authors like M.T. Anderson give us novel winning messages that can one day help us alter our way of thinking, and then we are introduced to authors such as Steven Johnson who support video games for the young minds. The fact of the matter is technology is growing along with our addiction to it. We cannot move past this era neither can we shrug off the need to inspect them. We will want them and most of us will get them, only question that remains is where will this lead us and when?

Friday, November 6, 2009

HW 20 - revised draft pt.2

(now includes 3rd argument)

As if America doesn’t have enough problems to deal with, another small addition has been added onto our plates. Everyone loves Apple’s Macs or Microsoft’s Xbox, only we love them to the point where we are home all day playing with them until they decide to create a portable device. Video games and TV have come a long way when looking at Pac-man and Super Mario Bros. digital graphics compared to the infamous Grand-theft auto or Today’s television shows. There is no doubt that American Society has taken a rise for a newer profound take on technology, but it is too most surely that America’s technological rise will too be the reason for its fall.
M.T. Anderson, an award winning novelist for his book “Feed” too discusses the downfall that we as a society are leading too. Only he does this in a more interesting way, an allegorical sense that shows the same problems faced by us as a society only in the future. It seems no matter the day and age, from this point on, we will only live to see problems occur with us, while we continue to live superficial lifestyles and judge the next person in two ways, for looking down on those who choose to live this lifestyle and for not joining in on the superficial race to live this way. It is already proven that Human beings are shown as a much “dumber” generation compared to those hundreds of years ago. In Feed, it depicts a picture for us, an eye- opening picture at that, showing we are on a road to only becoming dumber. M.T. Anderson shows us how blind we are to the environment we have created for ourselves. Not paying mind to our problems or the next, we soon disregard the problems that we experience now. We are blinded by the exciting flashy objects things that capture our attention, technology.
“I didn’t know which to choose, because if I got an upcar that was too small, than Link and Marty might be like, ‘We’ll take my car instead, more of us can fit in,’ and then I would have spent these hundreds of thousands of dollars for nothing. But if I bought the Swarp, it was a little more sporty, and that might be brag, because the Dodge Gryphon was maybe too family” (pg. 122).
It is a race for us to be able to claim who owns what, helping to divide us between the powerful and the powerless, while these technological objects representing power.
Disney’s Motion picture “Wall-E” shows the tale of an only robot that remains on Earth 700 years later in the future, going from cleaning garbage to being aboard a spaceship vacationing all humans until Earth is cleaned. The storyline is more complex and a bit off track. But what remains to be seen in Wall-E is the problems that Humans will drastically go through if we continue to live carelessly not concerning our futures. Besides worrying about where garbage storage will lead us, Wall-E shows us the attachment and dependency we have onto technology. Technology is created to make things simpler for us, but when things get a little too simple, we tend to be less active and social. Being re-exposed to simpler things in life, such as swimming pools or activities less technical, is like being re-born. Movies like these, where scenes take place in the not-so distant future where we seem to have accomplished huge outbreaks in technology. They also show that one human who chooses not to join in on the rush for technology and chooses to live the much simpler life of easier laid back devices, making the character always seem rebellious. This connects to the real world as people constantly get swept into the rush of new technology. Those who choose not to get caught up are seen as left behind or just old-fashioned. This relates to the main idea of the powerful continuing to obtain as the powerless struggle to keep up.
“Everything bad is good for you”, a book by Steven Johnson that explains the social differences that take place between readers and video-gamest. Interesting enough, he discusses the negative effects that reading has on human beings in this day and age rather than the digital devices surrounding us. His argument for reading was that it encourages the discrimination that society has against those who are dyslexic. Johnson believed that today’s games are a better use for children to practice reading skills and practice strengthening they’re attention spans. Video games today involve mappings, text, storylines, facts, etc. Even reading has become a digital thing for most readers on the go, as a wireless reading device storms through stores and makes a run for the books on people’s shelves.
Introducing the Kindle DX, a handheld device that allows readers to read on a “newer level”. It is size of a small picture frame, that represents one page out of a novel that the text appears onto. For those who have trouble reading, such as glasses users, there are features included such as zooming and lighting for those who are trying to read in the dark. The Kindle DX allows any book to be uploaded into the frame, the touch-screen device allows a simple touch with the finger to flip to the next page. Something as easy as reading, turning pages with your fingers, holding the book with both hands, can turn into something more convenient.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

HW 19 - draft comments


Your draft is very strong i can only imagine how your actual paper will turn out. you included alot of background research on your arguments, which you connected to the next. If i had to throw advice your way, id have to mention the part where you talked about your conversation with Cotto, it seemed as though you went from researched argument to a personal sided argument, it flowed almost as if you started free-writing. Other than that i enjoyed your draft very much. Keep up the good work.


I like your paper. Your interpretation of what is going on in Wall-E the movie was good. The quote you chose from Feed was good because it connected to your thesis and also your other arguments including Wall-E movie and the book "everything bad is good for you". It seems as though you are on top of your game and are ready to start on the actual paper. Good work.

HW 18 – Big rough draft paper


As if America doesn’t have enough problems to deal with, another small addition has been added onto our plates. Everyone loves Apple’s Macs or Microsoft’s Xbox, only we love them to the point where we are home all day playing with them until they decide to create a portable device. Video games and TV have come a long way when looking at Pac-man and Super Mario Bros. digital graphics compared to the infamous Grand-theft auto or Today’s television shows. There is no doubt that American Society has taken a rise for a newer profound take on technology, but it is too most surely that America’s technological rise will too be the reason for its fall.

M.T. Anderson, an award winning novelist for his book “Feed” too discusses the downfall that we as a society are leading too. Only he does this in a more interesting way, an allegorical sense that shows the same problems faced by us as a society only in the future. It seems no matter the day and age, from this point on, we will only live to see problems occur with us, while we continue to live superficial lifestyles and judge the next person in two ways, for looking down on those who choose to live this lifestyle and for not joining in on the superficial race to live this way. It is already proven that Human beings are shown as a much “dumber” generation compared to those hundreds of years ago. In Feed, it depicts a picture for us, an eye- opening picture at that, showing we are on a road to only becoming dumber. M.T. Anderson shows us how blind we are to the environment we have created for ourselves. Not paying mind to our problems or the next, we soon disregard the problems that we experience now. We are blinded by the exciting flashy objects things that capture our attention, technology.
(include quote)
It is a race for us to be able to claim who owns what, helping to divide us between the powerful and the powerless. These technological objects representing power.

Disney’s Motion picture “Wall-E” shows the tale of an only robot that remains on Earth 700 years later in the future, going from cleaning garbage to being aboard a spaceship vacationing all humans until Earth is cleaned. The storyline is more complex and a bit off track. But what remains to be seen in Wall-E is the problems that Humans will drastically go through if we continue to live carelessly not concerning our futures. Besides worrying about where garbage storage will lead us, Wall-E shows us the attachment and dependency we have onto technology. Technology is created to make things simpler for us, but when things get a little too simple, we tend to be less actively and less socially. Being re-exposed to simpler things in life, such as swimming pools or less technical activites, was like being re-born for the humans. Movies like these, where scenes take place in the not-so distant future where we seem to have accomplished huge outbreaks in technology. Movies like these, show the one human being who chooses not to join in on the rush for technology and chooses to live the more simpler life of easier laid back devices, making the character always seem rebellious. This connects to the real world as people constantly get swept into the rush of new technology. Those who choose not to get caught up is seen as left behind or just old-fashioned. This relates to the main idea of the powerful continuing to obtain as the powerless struggle to keep up.
“Everything bad is good for you”, a book by Steven Johnson that explains the social differences that take place between readers and video-gamest.

Monday, November 2, 2009

HW 17 - blog comments

Stephany Adames...

Sounds like you've got your head in the game. This is not only well organized but very thorough. It'll be simple to write out your arguments based on your topic starters, its obvious that it can lead to a whole paper. Only thing is i guess you can create your thesis rather than show your essential question because eventually your gonna need it and have to strengthen it further on, why not kill two birds with one stone, no? Anyways, i wanted to do wall-e- to but i thought itd have been silly (haha) no but its good that your using it because what it depicted for viewers was something very serious, and not only a future dilemma on our hands but one we have now in modern America, i guess thats where feeds "allegory" kicks in. i hope my comment was helpful. Goodluck on your paper.

Sam Cotto...

Nice outline. its very structured, sounds like you are well prepared for your big paper. Your arguments are good but i think it might be a little more complicated then you realized to connect what those interviewed and your family members think about digital media to Feed and everything bad is good for you. But your also ahead of the game it seems so odds are you'll prove me wrong. Its very creative to use your own brainstormed thoughts as evidence, because it shows your in control of your own paper as this entire paper is based on our own self control and addictions to technology. Good luck on your paper.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

HW 16 - Big paper outline



(1)American Society's rise for a newer profound take on technology will too be its fall.

(2)America's society, split into two, will show the powerful obtaining new technology to add onto while the powerless strive to obtain only to catch up and fit in, seemingly straggling behind as an "average american".

(1)(tv vs. gaming)
Newer games and devices slightly prove to help teach kids and help them focus and learn in a more modern way.

(2)(m.t. anderson - feed)
aligory's are used by famous award winning novelists predicting the fall of americans being through our own accomplishments through digital use.

(3)Americans only find happiness or satisfaction through possessions, while others who do not possess those are found feeling emptiness or seen as feeling empty without


Tuesday, October 27, 2009

hw 15 - triangle comments

To brianna...

I like your posts. Its clear that you read the books and thought about the author's used words. I agree with your opinion that people who read more dont necessarilly go out more and have a greater social life than those who stay home to play games. You answered questions you came up with from the readings and also asked yourself frequent questions relating to them, i find this to be a great strategy especially when preparing yourself to write an essay. You included great quotes and analyzed them carefully which was also interesting. For your essay to be completely solid, just try correcting any grammar mistakes because it is the little mistakes that hold your paper back. Your point about art being a hammer that we use to shape the world was interesting. Although i slightly agree, i dont agree that feed is a work of art, i find it to be a book full of hidden messages helping us to re-appreciate art. I dont think the book was meant to prove the authors message of kids being dumber these days correct when reading the book, but your right about parts of the book sometimes being a bit confusing. its hard to imagine a world we dont live in when in reality it is the exact same world we live in. I enjoyed reading your posts.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

HW 14 - Second Text

The Television text was not as interesting as the Games text to me. It spoke about the changes made in television shows over the last 20 years. The author said that TV was seen as a downfall for us as we are said to surrender our minds to television whenever tuning in. It was interesting to read that we were in a corrupt time in our lives even during the Andy Griffith and Perry Como era.

The Games text had an opposite argument than Television, supposedly being good for us rather than bad. It was bold of the author to even try comparing video-gaming to reading. Ive always noticed the outbreak in game designing but i never thought about how much reading and text is included in the game and how one video-game shares the same concept as reading, including plot, characterization, setting, repetition etc.

These books contradict feed and its messages as feed is an aligory for modern teenage lifestyle, showing the habits and addictions we have picked up from digital media representation. The books mention how the bad is actually good for us. The author also states that reading only puts down human beings suffering from dislexia. He has two interpretations of digitalization because he says television time is worthless for us, because we only feel smarter and dont actually get smarter as we watch sophisticated shows like frazier. Then video games can actually make us smarter because read-ons are now included.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

HW 13 - Feed B

Feed as an allegory was something special because it illustrated the reliance onto technology that we will have along the road if we continue to distract ourselves from the real world and continue to distract ourselves with latest inventions and such.

The thirst for technology as a child to obtain a feed so that Valerie may be just like all the other kids, and her later mission to 'fight' against the feed helps to lead to her rejection of a better and newer feed, ironically killing her slowly.

Feed can be seen as a work of art, just as a painting or a picture may paint a whole new picture within the viewers mind. For art to be used as a hammer, sounds a little too much, because a hammer's dents, reshaping what needs to be shaped, can never be reversed. A mirror shows what you truly are and how you are seen by the rest of the world. you might not like what you see, but unlike the hammer, you can always shape yourself up in more ways than one.

Feed is more of a mirror than the hammer, reflectively, its just showing us that if we continue to lead our lives in this "destructive" way, things will come down onto our world, much as a hammer would.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

hw 12 - feed a

Feed is an allegory to modern teenage society. I think the authors goal of capturing modern teenage life through a futuristic lifestyle was accurate and understandable as it was easy to connect to the trends or digital media in which they go through.

The "feed" in the story is incredibly creative and moving because of Violet's taking. I think that the feed was created because the internet, chatting, and media is entirely on today's teenagers' minds. We almost have what is known to the book as the feed, only it isnt linked to our brains. We have blackberrys and Sidekicks that do almost all of those things only it isnt as high-tech as the feed is.

The feed was designed to make people smarter and have unlimited resources in they're hands. Not knowing what something was meant at that same second you could research it or define a word or find the answer to any question, ultimately something like that should make you smarter, except those kids were using they're resources for teen fads and going "mal". To be able to define words in a second made them lazier and never remembering them because they were never going anywhere, and when they're feeds were down they couldnt even carry a conversation on they're own, not being told what to say made them lost.

HW 11 - Self experiment 1

For my self-experimentation i had decided to go with digital fasting, not entirely but with certain digital devices. The reason i had decided to fast was because i was sort of forced to go that route, as my cellphone was shut off for a week and my ipod the battery shorted out. I were in school not texting people or fiddling with my cellphone, actually paying attention a small percentage more than before. I started to read my "feed" book everywhere i went on the trains and i actually finished it when told to only go up to 210. i personally consider this a huge goal for myself seeing how i haven't finished a novel in probably two years. No cellphone meant i was in bed earlier not texting hours into the night. I still kept up my television habit and aiming/fb, but i 'on those sites any longer than i normally would due to me being phone less.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

HW 8 - comments

Jin's video...
good stuff. i liked how you made your video showing two different perspectives. You allowed the viewers to see both what you are seeing and how you are viewed by them while actually doing the activities. You said in your text that you thought it was creepy to see yourself speaking so you stood quiet (haha) that allowed me to check out your faciall expressions reacting to you on Facebook. It seemed to me as though only reading facebook updates and feeds was boring yet you chose to continue to do so instead of changing the website or activities all together. I like how you said you dont like how you spend your time on facebook when you can be out connecting with your "community" yet you being on facebook becoming aware of all of your friends/family's news helps you stay ahead of what is happening within your own personal community without having to leave your home. i think that it is sometimes easier to do it this way. If i wanted to connect with my own community myself without going out i guess i could turn on my television set to a decent channel and not my usual picks of sitcoms and whatnot. Or visit news-related websites like Yahoo or CNN instead of constanly on social-networking sites. Some ideas i can throw by you to help further your future blog posts are to include maybe small clips of you actually doing the activities you mentioned like playing the wii. It was a great video. the link to the website really screamed creativity.

elias's video...
Good stuff. i liked how you pretended to not be on camera the entire time (haha). I liked how you moved from activity to activity in very little time, getting everything you needed done swiftly. This shows me, through the eyes of a first-time viewer not an average friend, that you are used to being on those digital devices very much and that you spend much time on them to be able to multi-task so easily. I liked your point in your text that stated you like that school and homework keep you distracted from wasting your time from things like web-browsing. But imagine if in your video you spent the computer time actually getting school work done, Me as a viewer would never be the wiser. It was funny to see that what you were doing on Facebook was visiting MY profile (lol). Overall it was a decent film, short and expressive. Good stuff.

Friday, October 2, 2009

HW 10

The first website i read on, was saying the cellphone use causes cancer, which was the links main argument. They also mentioned how it can also change your DNA physically through your body, by rearranging strands. They said that the radiation coming from cellphones are invisible and yet they are small amounts that run through signals and incoming/outcoming waves.

The second link i read about was saying that out of the entire world, approximately 6 billion people total, 4 billion human beings have personal cellphones. The U.S. seems to be one of the most concerned countries when directing safety from constant cellphone use. I guess Americans have a larger cellphone addiction than we realized.

The third website i ran into talked more about how cellphone radiation is more of a scare than anything. Cancer can literally come from anywhere so why judge cellphones. All websites agreed that radiation comes through different forms. This website was the one to mention how there is also good radiation in this world too, such as daylight. Yet there are still some that can drastically kill you, there are even science terms used for the type of exposure found, for the good and the bad.

(website 1),0,4780750.story

(website 2)

(website 3)

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Me in the Mornings (Sunday morning, not schooldays) from chris roldan on Vimeo.

Some thoughts and feelings i have when watching my video is that i made a pretty basic video that tells me what Digital activities can be done by myself in only a matter of four minutes. it seems to me that i work my way around a laptop and the cablebox pretty easily, which tells me im on it so much ive made my routes on the laptop a habit. and Links have been saved and information has been saved into the laptop by me. leaving a trail. My little sister is only two, but once she is at that age where she cant keep her hands off a computer herself, ill be much older and definately not living with her anymore. so yes, when she is at that age, i think i would rather her be using the computer so that i can keep in contact with her more easier. It shows that my only priorities at the moment, on a natural sunday morning for me, is to see who has commented to me or responded to me that i have missed while being asleep. Which were probably the same people who i spoke to that put me to sleep just before i went to bed. It makes me realize how dependant i am onto these electronics as a person because it has been encoded into my everyday routine. i didnt even go strait for the kitchen for a bowl of cereal, i went right towards my living room and to the living room computer. Im not so sure what the wii analogy means, but i know that as an electronic device itself, it does not make things easier because it also provides internet service, and such.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

HW 7 - Interviews

I interviewed my mother briefly asking her how she feels about digital media and how does it make life easier for the deaf community, if it does. Just as i had assumed it did. She is always on her cellphone, which is a sidekick. She is on her aim practically all day, texts just as much as i do as a teenager. To have a modern television seems like a priority almost, because only certain ones provide certain features such as CC, closed captioning. For my mother being deaf, ive been around my share of deaf folks. So i know for a fact that every single one, when having a cellphone, will own a sidekick because of its features as well. It provides TTY-RELAY. Which is a texting operator based system that provides free phone calls to other people. ive used this feature over the phone trying to communicate with my mother plenty of times back in the 90's. A man has to come and install this in your home, its actually alot of work. so to see that system installed in a cellphone as small as a sidekeick, which is portable btw, is quite interesting. As you could imagine deaf people dont make phonecalls much so they text each other very often. Aim is basically the same thing. Just picture it as a phonebook instead of a buddy list. The internet is a huge thing too, because in order to own a VP, videophone, they have to have a web-modem installed. The VP is a phone that runs through your television that allows you to talk through the television by seeing each other. Deaf people have this and communicate with the VP through sign-language, obviously. I have these things in my home so im very familiar with them. If my mother could trade it all, id say definately not, it wouldnt even be an option probably. it has been embedded into her everyday life.

In Madison Square Park i interviewed several different groups of people asking them the same questions "how many hours a day are you on the computer, or your cellphone?" and "Do they and if they do have kids, how many hours a day do they allow them on the computer?" In the end i got all the same answers, but from different groups which was interesting. I asked an older gentlemen who was obviously a businessman, i asked a middle-aged woman with no kids, i asked two austrian women who were only here on vacation, and then three kids who were probably my age. the businessman was probably the most cooperative and least nervous, he said he only allowed his child on the computer for a 1/2 hour a day, thats it. The woman with no children was on her cellphone all day. The tourists said they wouldnt be able to picture themselves without theyre phones, but they also werent familiar with myspace and facebook, that or they just dont participate in those networking circles.

I asked my brother abt his take on digital media, he is only 2 years older then me so we're basically in the same generation. i asked him what he mostly does on the computer and he said mostly research up on upcoming new videogames because he likes to play games alot. He has an aim, and a myspace. His cellphone is always on and off (bills), and he loves videogames the most out of all digital electronic use. He says he isnt addicted but from an outsiders perspective, like my own, he is the perfect example of teenagers being swooped into this generation of technology. For amusement, not for purpose.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

HW 4 - First comments

To Michelle...
Thanks Michelle for actually taking the time to read my post. I appreciate your insight and sharing the connections you made between my opinions and elaborated them into your own. It was helpful to read on about your idea on my discussing Movie Theatres and changing they're ads to keep up with modern values. Due to your insights it made me think that maybe i could've revolved my post not only around computers /internet but maybe around other distractions of mine, like television or texting/IMing. You also gave me a dead flat visual of how your life seems due to distractions of your own. Taking in your thoughts and connecting them to my own, i think that everyone (possibly) tries to overcome the same distractions while being distracted by the same exact technology. The thought of people lining up in front of the Apple store for that brand new iphone in the pouring rain when they can easily order it online or reserve it, or even take the chance of coming in AFTER WORK and not calling in sick seems selfish of us. It seems as tho we, as a whole, try to compete with each other over not only what items we possess, but who is the first to obtain them. Also, we love to discuss who purchased less over whom. You and I both stated that we share the same problem of being distracted while trying to do productive things. Its funny how we like keep ourselves updated with the fastest web-browser out there when seemingly we only slow our own pace behind by doing other things with our internet speed.

To Wright...
Thanks Wright for commenting my blog. i appreciate the comments you left and actually making connections to the things i had said. it was helpful to know that my thoughts on whether Andy himself on the computer leaves him distracted much like we are, because it lets me know i wasnt babbling and was actually leading somewhere. If he were to do this, maybe his generation to our generation isnt so much different? Your comments, including others as well, encourage me to expand my writing or thoughts and perhaps even share some of my main ideas in class. Tracing back to my post, a follow-up question came up in my mind, "Why do we allow ourselves to be distracted so easily?" i could just as easily log onto facebook or aim after i finish my hw, but it seems like the curiousity of being "hitup" by friends leaves me on the edge haha

Sunday, September 13, 2009

H.W 3 - 1st blog post

My first homework assignment was to brainstorm about the good vs. bad of digital media and how it has become an obsession or stream of importance in our lives. When i hear of "electronics" the first to come to my mind was a computer, which then led me to the internet, which is what im doing my homework on right now as i type. I guess it can have positives like me being able to post my homework and email it instead of writing it on a looseleaf paper which id have probably forgotten to write out anyways. But another problem with doing homework on my computer is that it is such a distraction at the same time. On my web browswer, i have "" but i also have a tab "" next to it. while on AIM same time. Blogging homework assignments seems like a great concept too and more efficient both for the student and teacher, im guessing, but im just wondering whether my teacher is trying to grade homework on with another site in another tab, being distracted just as much as i am. not trying to read 40 different sheets of answers.

At the same time of doing my homework i watch television at the sametime. at the moment im watching the Video Music Awards, and i thought about how half these artists all have a hit here or there that includes myspace or facebook in there songs. Reality shows or voting shows all have polls on the spot that consist of people texting to cast they're vote. Whenever i watch ESPN there are quotes from players announcing theyre trades from teams or contract renewals, whatever it is, on via twitter. they would say things like "this just in, allen iverson has officially announced his 1 year contract renewal just moments ago on via twitter." Movie theatres, before the original slogan used to be "dont spoil the movie by adding your own soundtrack" meaning not to have your cellphone ring aloud during the film, or definately answer. Now after the original message, they also have a new one that i have yet to memorize, stating not to text during the movie because the keyboard creates an annoying sound to others, and means that a bright light will bother people around you, the light coming from your cellphone screen. Emailing is definately more of an obsession with adults than it is with teens. Adults constantly email friends, family, co-workers, and so on. My mother, who is now a stay at home mom because of my new baby sister, doesnt leave the home much these days. So for my last birthday she didnt have a chance to get me anything, which i understand, but she sent me an e-greeting birthday card for my birthday. (SMH)

i can easily trace A to B than back to A or connect to C but truth is it goes only so far. Videogames, computers, texting, IMing, or watching Movies all day. i still dont even know what a "digital phone" is that cable companys offer so much. Digital media just might not be 100 percent an addiction, its just we choose not to get off.