Sunday, October 18, 2009

HW 13 - Feed B

Feed as an allegory was something special because it illustrated the reliance onto technology that we will have along the road if we continue to distract ourselves from the real world and continue to distract ourselves with latest inventions and such.

The thirst for technology as a child to obtain a feed so that Valerie may be just like all the other kids, and her later mission to 'fight' against the feed helps to lead to her rejection of a better and newer feed, ironically killing her slowly.

Feed can be seen as a work of art, just as a painting or a picture may paint a whole new picture within the viewers mind. For art to be used as a hammer, sounds a little too much, because a hammer's dents, reshaping what needs to be shaped, can never be reversed. A mirror shows what you truly are and how you are seen by the rest of the world. you might not like what you see, but unlike the hammer, you can always shape yourself up in more ways than one.

Feed is more of a mirror than the hammer, reflectively, its just showing us that if we continue to lead our lives in this "destructive" way, things will come down onto our world, much as a hammer would.

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