Wednesday, December 2, 2009

HW 26 - photos and questions

q) what is your idea of the word cool?
a) cool, calm, relaxed individual. chilly .... depends what you mean by cool.

q)so theres different meanings?
a)yeah i suppose so

q) how does one's appearance affect how someone is cool?
a)it can define them. people dont wake up in the morning thinking they will look cool or uncool, they're worried whether they look nice or not. And the rest of the world will label them by the end of the day.

q) do you think you dress "cool"?
a) nah, i can dress, but i could care less at the end of the day. I could just go out with ripped jeans and a t-shirt and thats fine with me.

q) a homeless person could have just ripped jeans and a t-shirt. so you guys are same equivalence of cool?

a) **laughing out loud**

q) so whats your idea of cool?
a) ME!!

q) sir, can u keep this interview professional please? thank you
a) i mean... some one who gets a lot of looks as they walk past

q) why do you think they're getting those looks?
a)idk. if its a girl odds are they just look good. a guy i guess they got style or money or whatever girls like so much.

q)money? so money can make a person cool, whether they are a jerk or not?
a) hey... money talks.

q) what do you think makes someone "cooll"?

a) hmmm... well is this personel or am i answering for everyone ?

q) why, do you think urrr cool? and be honest

a) I don't think im cool in everyones eyes some people think im really a cool person because i am an outgoing bubbly person who lives life as the day goes and for the moment and what im feeling... but other people can find that obnoxious. (these questions are hard) everyone has ...there own taste. i dont think there is a deffinition of cool .
its different for everyone.

q) and whats your definition

a) well cool people are unique different who express themselves in ways i never thought of, people who think differently than i do but also someone i have things in common with. REALLY cool people are artistic in my opinion or have something that they do that can define them as a person that being... an athlete a poet a writer etc. "cool" people to me are fun spontaneous & outgoing

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