Thursday, December 17, 2009

hw 30 - Psychological and Phylosophical Theorizing of cool

“Cool can be viewed as a major attempt to fill the emptiness inside of us with an internal heroic mission and external validation.” For Dr. Milo Wolff, his sense of purpose was just trying to understand what he was being taught in college all those years, Quantum-Mechanics. Not until a much older age did he extract his learning’s from both physics and philosophy. Now having a published book, and an entirely world-studied discovery, he seems to feel he has found that new sense of purpose for himself. For both the philosophical world and the science world, this discovery is one of the latest and most generated sources of “cool” findings.

In Dr. Wolff’s case, his emptiness within has finally had some light shed upon, opening up for him a brighter tomorrow, as he celebrates today. In the article provided by, it elaborates his findings and digs deeper into the philosophy side. The purpose of this small post is not to investigate the findings of Dr. Wolf and his discovery, but to magnify the words of brilliant minds of our past that helped make that discovery possible whatsoever. Not to forget that his discovery was created on instinct in hopes of filling whatever void was left in him, whether it was in his mind, heart, or soul.

I believe emptiness is something found in someone, after damage is caused. It’s not something that was always there, but something that shows up out of nowhere with no explanation of its being there, and forced to be treated. Of course, this damage, is not something physical and real, but something invisible and only spoken of. Being cool is not something peopling are, but something they only aspire to become. It is the representation of something that you crave to have in your life. It is commonly mistaken for fashion, or an essential to the fashion-world. Cool can be something as easy as learning how to be a great cook, or going from an average reader to an outspoken intellectual, all due to reading more. It’s what you want in your life, what you’re dying to have.

“When the mind's eye rests on objects illuminated by truth and reality, it understands and comprehends them, and functions intelligently; but when it turns to the twilight world of change and decay, it can only form opinions, its vision is confused and its beliefs shifting, and it seems to lack intelligence (Plato, Republic).”

Today’s world of collecting only what we feel is necessary to obtain “coolness” is probably what Albert Einstein was referring to mentioning what is needed for society in order to “overcome the modernist's snobbishness,” something relatable still to this day. After all, the word “cool” probably holds as much meaning to a famished homeless man when shown a picture of food, to a drowning man shown to him a picture of oxygen. Nothing less than desirable.


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