Tuesday, November 24, 2009

HW 25 - Story comments & analysis

To Kiana...

I liked your story kiana. It refelcted upon alot of teenagers these days that try to stand out through possessions. Instead of the boy being himself, he tried being an image that he sees everyday, probably placed in his mind through pop culture and things of that sort. Being obsessed with "coolness" made him do all the wrong things.

To Christian...

I liked your story because it portrays the average "cool" kid being polite for one second to his friends than rude after. Sometimes kids like that will act one way in school, but act like angles or entirely different in front of theyre family or outside friends. I guess Dean is one of those, nervous about the reaction his mother will have of him acting like that in school.

To Elias...

I like your story. Its short yet it explains it all! i have a friend who is just the same way. and i know exactly what u meant by making your character walk away "shaking your head". Sounds like this Edgar guy is living a secret life, or maybe hes just bootyblind? anywhoo, its a good story. i look forward to reading your next short story.

To Anias...

Your story was very creative. The girl, although she tried her hardest for people to stop looking up to her and being idolized, she thought showing much attitude for everyone everywhere was the solution for getting her uncoolness to finally rub off, even though that was the reason she got into that predicament in the first place.

What i noticed about the short stories was that they all included the same elements. Attitude, and style. Whether the person had attitude in general, or they had shown attitude through they're style. These were the two only patterns i saw.

The archtypes of the stories were pursuit of imagery, defiance, and proving the hypocritical lifestyles of the innocence. (if that makes any sense). Its interesting to see that everyones story all included high school life, and all different kinds of people. the most important observation was that no ones character ever noticed they're need for being cool let alone admitting it.

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