Sunday, September 13, 2009

H.W 3 - 1st blog post

My first homework assignment was to brainstorm about the good vs. bad of digital media and how it has become an obsession or stream of importance in our lives. When i hear of "electronics" the first to come to my mind was a computer, which then led me to the internet, which is what im doing my homework on right now as i type. I guess it can have positives like me being able to post my homework and email it instead of writing it on a looseleaf paper which id have probably forgotten to write out anyways. But another problem with doing homework on my computer is that it is such a distraction at the same time. On my web browswer, i have "" but i also have a tab "" next to it. while on AIM same time. Blogging homework assignments seems like a great concept too and more efficient both for the student and teacher, im guessing, but im just wondering whether my teacher is trying to grade homework on with another site in another tab, being distracted just as much as i am. not trying to read 40 different sheets of answers.

At the same time of doing my homework i watch television at the sametime. at the moment im watching the Video Music Awards, and i thought about how half these artists all have a hit here or there that includes myspace or facebook in there songs. Reality shows or voting shows all have polls on the spot that consist of people texting to cast they're vote. Whenever i watch ESPN there are quotes from players announcing theyre trades from teams or contract renewals, whatever it is, on via twitter. they would say things like "this just in, allen iverson has officially announced his 1 year contract renewal just moments ago on via twitter." Movie theatres, before the original slogan used to be "dont spoil the movie by adding your own soundtrack" meaning not to have your cellphone ring aloud during the film, or definately answer. Now after the original message, they also have a new one that i have yet to memorize, stating not to text during the movie because the keyboard creates an annoying sound to others, and means that a bright light will bother people around you, the light coming from your cellphone screen. Emailing is definately more of an obsession with adults than it is with teens. Adults constantly email friends, family, co-workers, and so on. My mother, who is now a stay at home mom because of my new baby sister, doesnt leave the home much these days. So for my last birthday she didnt have a chance to get me anything, which i understand, but she sent me an e-greeting birthday card for my birthday. (SMH)

i can easily trace A to B than back to A or connect to C but truth is it goes only so far. Videogames, computers, texting, IMing, or watching Movies all day. i still dont even know what a "digital phone" is that cable companys offer so much. Digital media just might not be 100 percent an addiction, its just we choose not to get off.


  1. I like how you talked about how you wonder if Andy has trouble doing work on the computer. And how you think about things that a lot of people may think about but never think about.

    In your blog you was talking a lot about how there are a lot of things on the computer and how you want to do all these things at once but you can't because then you are not on task.

    I feel the same way about do homework on the computer because there are so many things on the computer that I have trouble doing my homework or do research on something.

    Next time just watch the way things come up because in some places i think you did not mean to say something else.

    But adding on to you i would like to know if almost everyone has a hard time doing homework on the computer because of all the things that are on the computer. And do a lot of people always jump to computer when we talk about digital things?

    Nice reading your blog

  2. I liked how you would mention the aspect of how bad digital media is but at the same time would say how good it is as well. Like when you say how it's good to be able to blog your homework then on paper but then say it also causes you to get more distracted because you begin to IM or go on facebook. I have the same problem but it's even worse because i have my computer in the same room as my TV so I like stop every second to watch it.
    At the beginning of your blog you say how first thing you thought of when you heard of electronics was computer and internet. Which made me realize that you really didn't mention other electronics much. You could've expanded more on how other things concerning digital media affects us or you. At the end of blog you say that digital media just might not be 100 percent an addiction, its just we choose not to get off, maybe expand that why do we choose not to?
    You say that in movies now, they even have a commercial telling people not to text because it makes annoying sound and it's light. It really shows how even texting has become so common people even do it in the movie theater.

    Thanks I enjoyed your blog.

  3. What i liked about your blog post was the way you connected your currently activities to the homework. You mentioned the positives and the negatives.

    My favorite point was about the news on espn and how they get their information via twitter. it seems as if old fashion interviewing and research is no longer needed. Technology is making everything "easier".

    I can relate to the fact that when i do my homework online, i have tabs open to varies other websites such as face book and twitter. Its very difficult to turn my laptop on and not wonder what new notifications i have received on my profiles. which i really stupid because i have both applications on my cellphone so i already know what to expect when i sign on my computer.It has becomes more of a ADDICTION then something necessary.

    What i think is worth exploring is the necessity of multitasking. Why cant people simply stick to one activity? Is it not enough just being on AIM chatting, just networking on facebook or twitter, or simply watching t.v? or do all of these connect in a way that they must be done all together. For example like you mentioned the VMA's; after the whole kayne episode , in the after show they had mentioned how it became huge news on twitter and there was like 1000 (a quess) tweets about it. They had announced it like it was an accomplishment!

    I wonder if we could ever break out of these habits. if we do, will we become stupid because we have been so dependant on it, or will we became smarter by using the time and money for more productive things in life.

    Well im done commenting your blog chris. You should bring these points in class.

  4. Thanks Michelle for actually taking the time to read my post. I appreciate your insight and sharing the connections you made between my opinions and elaborated them into your own. It was helpful to read on about your idea on my discussing Movie Theatres and changing they're ads to keep up with modern values. Due to your insights it made me think that maybe i could've revolved my post not only around computers /internet but maybe around other distractions of mine, like television or texting/IMing. You also gave me a dead flat visual of how your life seems due to distractions of your own. Taking in your thoughts and connecting them to my own, i think that everyone (possibly) tries to overcome the same distractions while being distracted by the same exact technology. The thought of people lining up in front of the Apple store for that brand new iphone in the pouring rain when they can easily order it online or reserve it, or even take the chance of coming in AFTER WORK and not calling in sick seems selfish of us. It seems as tho we, as a whole, try to compete with each other over not only what items we possess, but who is the first to obtain them. Also, we love to discuss who purchased less over whom. You and I both stated that we share the same problem of being distracted while trying to do productive things. Its funny how we like keep ourselves updated with the fastest web-browser out there when seemingly we only slow our own pace behind by doing other things with our internet speed.

  5. Thanks Wright for commenting my blog. i appreciate the comments you left and actually making connections to the things i had said. it was helpful to know that my thoughts on whether Andy himself on the computer leaves him distracted much like we are, because it lets me know i wasnt babbling and was actually leading somewhere. If he were to do this, maybe his generation to our generation isnt so much different? Your comments, including others as well, encourage me to expand my writing or thoughts and perhaps even share some of my main ideas in class. Tracing back to my post, a follow-up question came up in my mind, "Why do we allow ourselves to be distracted so easily?" i could just as easily log onto facebook or aim after i finish my hw, but it seems like the curiousity of being "hitup" by friends leaves me on the edge haha.
