Monday, May 24, 2010

HW 58 -parenting 102

In class, we had a visit from Melissa. She shared with us her take on parenting and what she has been doing for the last couple years. Like any other parent, she mentioned how she enjoys being around her kids, and watching them grow. She has two kids, a boy and a girl. Her son is the oldest, and she believes that her son being born first before her daughter was a good thing, this way her daughter can grow to be more mature and well-behaved. She also mentioned how during their youth they will "meet: at a certain point. Like any other parent, she defended her parenting skills and her own children when criticized. Worse of all, and probably the most common critical, was her parents (the kids grandparents). She even mentioned how there was a huge fight once with all the adults once within the household when those comments were mentioned. Eventually we moved off that topic, and she mentioned how no matter the situation, that 'unconditional love' will always be there. When discussing her parenting habits, she said she doesnt want her kids to ever have television in their room. They are limited of there television time and also video-gaming hours or computer usage. A student in the class then asked, well what if they reach a certain age, where it'll seem odd for them not to have a TV in their room, will you still not provide them one? She responded saying, well at that point it will probably be most fair to give them one because they are now older, and her whole perspective on parenting revolves around being "fair". She reads to her kids. She also mentioned how she feel into those Society Ritual Timeline, such as dating a man, falling in love, first getting a dog, realizing maybe they should shoot for a kid.

I think Melissa is a very nice woman in general, and often honest. So to not believe her or how she says she parents her children would be ridiculous. However, i feel still that when in front of an audience, such as she was, only the positive aspects of her relationship with her children come out, never the negatives. Punishments or abusing children are never mentioned by them first. Also, how she mentions how she limits the kids activity hours, she doesnt mention whether it actually works, or if it prevails. I think that for her to react the way she did with her parents when hearing criticizing comments from them, based on her parenting skills, was only natural. No one likes to hear that. And shouldnt either. Unless they were literally the worse parents ever, but shes obviously far from that category.

I think this last unit on parenting that we are focusing on is similar to how we ended our Units last year, except that was with Midwifery. This is similar, just the step AFTER you have the kids, its like, Now what? This will help us to target ourselves in a certain direction. Although, unless i plan on being a teenage parent anytime soon i probably wont look to these rituals and ideas. At a certain age i plan to have kids, preferably 30 if life was GREAT but i doubt that late, with my luck ill end up around 25 with kids. But hopefully by then i have a great job or am leaning towards one. When it comes to kids, they say we have them to reflect our needs for affirmation. But if we dont have them, people feel pity on us or think we are either crazy, lowest of the low attractiveness-wise, or just have something wrong with our baby-making machines. Those who actually do have something wrong with their ovaries/sperm-count are the ones who pursue alternatives such as adoption or fertilization etc. The truth of the matter is, we need kids in order to keep this system alive. The world needs them.

In the movie "Demolition Man" the cop (Sylvester Stallone) is awakened from his frozen chambers and cuts his prison-sentence short as they need him to catch a criminal that is running loose in the future, the same criminal he has stopped in his own century. When he has the opportunity to have sex with a woman (Sandra Bullock) he is anxious because it has been so long, but in that time the thought of kissing and having physical relations means to swap fluids and risk high chance of illness. So she gives him this machine that virtually has sex with the other person. o_O

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