Monday, May 3, 2010

HW 53 - Survey Analysis

After taking the survey, i realized that during there were so many questons that i began to answer as though my answer were mild. For example, ones i didnt feel like answering i answered with "idk" or "n/a". Some of the questions were able to make me think are these really anonymous? because they better be. They were some pretty private questions, or at least the way to look at them were they were questions that no one has bothered to ask me in person. Some on school, family, friendship, suicide, future, depression, disorders, etc. I dont suffer from none of those, but something made me wonder who would be answering them yes.

After finally seeing the results from all who answered these questions, i saw that each question had a separate majority answered question. Some were IDK or YES or NO. There were a small percentage and a high percentage shown for every category answered. But what i brought up in class during our whole discussion was that it said only an average of 52 respondents had answered, so if there were a whole of 19% of kids who answered YES to ever considering suicide, thats just under 10 students. thats 10/50 = 1/5 which means almost 20% of those who responded are considering or have considered suicide......
Another thing to consider was what in math terms is considered a "hidden variable" or "lurking variable". Suppose 3 kids are asked the question "Do you drink alchohol?" the results were 1/3 kids say they drink alchohol, but you add an additional 1 kid for those who did not admit truthfully to the question, and that is an approximate 2/3 kids who drink alchohol. So the suicide question could have been even higher if including a percentage of those who did not answer truthfully. Really makes you think....

After reading results from the survey DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND MENTAL HYGIENE" i noticed that besides the ritual techniques of releasing certain results, they did something that caught even my attention, which means it must have been effective to many others as well. They mentioned how "only 8% of sexually active teens use birth control pills, the most effective means of preventing pregnancy", this is significant because they took a proactive treatment, and used its small percentage of usage by teens to represent how little the safe-sex message reaches teens ears. They were able to flip a good thing into a bad, but the 8% really was bad so maybe it isnt there fault or blaming them to be bias, they just reported it.

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