Sunday, May 16, 2010

HW 56 - Survey questions

questions to ask:

1. If you are now, or were in a relationship, do you consider yourself to be the one "wearing the pants"?
2. Do you think a relationship is based on a superior/inferior script?
3. Is having dominant control over your companion healthy?

Uhhhhhhhh well yeah because that's how people think it's supposed to be in society the boy is supposed to "wear the pants" , I don't really understand the second one but I don't think that's what a relationship is based on it might be part of it, nd i think it's unhealthy you and your companion should have equal control over each other that's the only way it could be fair

From previous relationships i think i wear the pants but its in certain situations not all. Not necessarily dominant control is healthy i think having a healthy relationship is what you put in and give or and should be split between the two.

After asking two separate people these questions, i got similar responses. Getting the same response from two different perspectives, a boy and girl, led me to the idea that perhaps everyone responds to this topic a certain way, the way it should be. But just because it should be this way doesnt necessarilly mean they are living to their own beliefs. If asked this, id probably respond the same way. But one umentioned factor is how when the time comes that you have the decision to make that overrules your companion, one will take it. I think that "equality" within the relationship rule goes out the window. No one wants to be the woman in the relationship, not the man, not even the woman! If everything was equal and smooth sailing no couples would be breaking up or becoming bored of each other than. No one likes boring.

follow up question (soon to be revised):
Can couples commit to an equal say on all behalfs?

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