Friday, December 18, 2009

HW 31 - Exploring methods/Aggrandizing the self

I had remembered once that a friend of mine, this girl from school, had mentioned she didnt really take an interest in another girl. Basically, she disliked her. And it wasnt just anyone. It was a girl that was my friend too, one who i never really thought had problems with the other girls. I asked why, and she responded with, "just look at her! dont you think she is fake?" and when she said that, i thought about it for a second. Not thinking about whether she was fake or not, but just that the reality of it was, I was probably closer to the other girl and responded to her better and could relate more to the other one, with some things in common. So if me and the other girl were more alike than the other one, did that make me fake to her as well? of course i didnt bring this up to her. She was slandering another girl who wasnt cool to her, in her eyes, while remaining in the role in which she already started playing as a mean person, which was what seemed cool in her eyes. Obviously, in my eyes, i didnt think that was cool and that the exact opposite (if i had to choose) was cooler then the other. It also could have been that i felt sorry for her and she seemed to be cooler at that very moment.

Sometimes i can be the same way i realized. Ill jokingly put others down, in hopes of being viewed as cooler then the one being slammed. And whether i am jokingly the one being out down, by a friend lets say, ill strike back in order to bring up my chances of competing for the "whos cooler" competition. Without even realizing this can all happen. I can robotically makje actions, based on what i have been doing for years. Another thing about myself, pertaining to the same scenario, is when a group of people are ganging up on one person, who is obviously viewed as uncool, but the group, as a whole, may seem cool for the moment due to their actions, are seen to everyone as hilarious and momentarily cool. When i witness things like that, i jump into a role where i am the only one who doesnt find this cool, and will speak against those who are, because ill find myself (in my head) to be socially acceptable as a coolperson, whos opinion is respected. What i didnt realize from the beginning, is that i too can easily become the jerk on the other side, and when i choose to not be it is what i believe to be the cool thing to do at the moment. Jumping roles.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

hw 30 - Psychological and Phylosophical Theorizing of cool

“Cool can be viewed as a major attempt to fill the emptiness inside of us with an internal heroic mission and external validation.” For Dr. Milo Wolff, his sense of purpose was just trying to understand what he was being taught in college all those years, Quantum-Mechanics. Not until a much older age did he extract his learning’s from both physics and philosophy. Now having a published book, and an entirely world-studied discovery, he seems to feel he has found that new sense of purpose for himself. For both the philosophical world and the science world, this discovery is one of the latest and most generated sources of “cool” findings.

In Dr. Wolff’s case, his emptiness within has finally had some light shed upon, opening up for him a brighter tomorrow, as he celebrates today. In the article provided by, it elaborates his findings and digs deeper into the philosophy side. The purpose of this small post is not to investigate the findings of Dr. Wolf and his discovery, but to magnify the words of brilliant minds of our past that helped make that discovery possible whatsoever. Not to forget that his discovery was created on instinct in hopes of filling whatever void was left in him, whether it was in his mind, heart, or soul.

I believe emptiness is something found in someone, after damage is caused. It’s not something that was always there, but something that shows up out of nowhere with no explanation of its being there, and forced to be treated. Of course, this damage, is not something physical and real, but something invisible and only spoken of. Being cool is not something peopling are, but something they only aspire to become. It is the representation of something that you crave to have in your life. It is commonly mistaken for fashion, or an essential to the fashion-world. Cool can be something as easy as learning how to be a great cook, or going from an average reader to an outspoken intellectual, all due to reading more. It’s what you want in your life, what you’re dying to have.

“When the mind's eye rests on objects illuminated by truth and reality, it understands and comprehends them, and functions intelligently; but when it turns to the twilight world of change and decay, it can only form opinions, its vision is confused and its beliefs shifting, and it seems to lack intelligence (Plato, Republic).”

Today’s world of collecting only what we feel is necessary to obtain “coolness” is probably what Albert Einstein was referring to mentioning what is needed for society in order to “overcome the modernist's snobbishness,” something relatable still to this day. After all, the word “cool” probably holds as much meaning to a famished homeless man when shown a picture of food, to a drowning man shown to him a picture of oxygen. Nothing less than desirable.


Sunday, December 13, 2009

HW 29 - Merchants of Cool

Is it evil to help the corporations to manipulate the minds of young people for the sake of profit?

The word "evil' shouldnt be used for neither the kids helping corporations reach out to audiences or the corporations themselves. They run focus groups only to reach out. Teenagers happen to be the most popular and highest rated group of consumers to them. it seems reasonable for them to use teenagers as they're no.1 marketed research, as Adults have gotten too old or less "cool" to know whats in or out, and children are too young to understand most of these discussions or less mature than teens.

Then again, corporations also mention that teens are the hardest group to reach out to, as they seem in-cooperative and are hardest to analyze, digging into they're minds. Based on what teens like, its hard getting whats cool or uncool. When corporations actually find out what it is that most kids think is cool and others have yet to realize, it is publicized for the entire teenager audience to see, revealing its secrecy and its sense of coolness is no longer.

In the end, what seems like corporations going out of they're way(s) to make life more appreciative for teens through possessions, is nothing more then them only creating things for us to consume so that they can have us in they're pockets while we give them what is in ours. How evil can corporations be when we are aware of what they are giving us, and yet we complain while handing over our wallets. Selling our souls to the devil, that saying sounds familiar. We call them evil for brainwashing us, even though we gave them the information to start them off with, or for just taking our money.?

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

HW 28 - Informal research

The "coolhunter" is a website that itterates what is seen as "cool" throughout the entire globe. They do not consider themselves trend-seters, not do they detect "trend probability", or is to become the next cool. The about us section explains what the websites mission is briefly, what is cool is not only what they see in the U.S., but what similarities and relevance they find in any setting between the states and other countries. They are considered to be "a leading authority on all things creative and a truly global hub for what's cool, thoughtful, innovative and original. We value global relevance, not trends, channeling our discoveries to our worldwide audience."'s business section explores through several articles what's cool and latest in the businessworld. They define some things like newest social networks accessed during business flights, or business tools, and latest ways to get rich on the web. All the latest functions and business related things are seen as "cool".

Vice-Magazine, a well read source in L.A., explores the concept of cool through their two teen interns that were allowed to write an entire web-based article on whats cool. "Saying you’re cool isn’t cool. That just shits on your whole image or look or whatever. Right now, carelessness is cool. This may include not bathing, not washing your clothes, buying pre-fucked up clothing, and wearing things until they are completely destroyed. Personal hygiene is no longer a factor. Busted Levi’s and vintage clunky boots are where it’s at. This feeling of whatever is cool." The two investigated whats seen as cool, like which cameras or transportation devices, providing pictures and writing the entire article with a douche-bag attitude throughout.

Cool Hunting is a website that updates itself daily on the latest. Whether it be ideas, products, all tying into art, culture, technology, or design. ALthough they choose not to preview objects that are liked through a wide-audience, but rather what they like. They must like popular things because they attract at least 400,000 readers yearly. "Money can buy you a lot of things, but it can’t buy you coverage on Cool Hunting", their motto.

"How to be cool" article on A website that answers "how-to" questions, how to be cool being one of them. Includes 16 steps, and instructions per step. Says in the article that those who are cool have something in common with each other, "they're all confident, unique, and on friendly terms with everyone." The article has been read (since my visit)541,397 times. A poll is taken at the bottom of the website asking whether the site has been accurate or not, with yes or no buttons to be selected.

Tikos, Bill. "" Webdesigned:2004

Ford,Eliel and Kennedy,Chandler. "" 10/04/2009.

Rubin, Josh. ""
Copyrighted: 2003

Friday, December 4, 2009

HW 27 -Informal Research

I spoke to a friend of mine, and i asked her only a few simple questions pertaining the word "cool". Some easy ones were What do you think is cool? What is your definition of it? and Do you think you are cool? Like others, if asked are they cool, she tried answered in the most humbling answer. She didn't think she was cool, she thought she was just average and no one special only that she is very like able to people and fits in, but wouldn't call it "cool". She believed that others would find her to be cool because of the way she was and her personality, even though she was just being herself always, whether it be polite calm or annoyed. My opinion of her answer though... because i know her and we've often spoken about ourselves, i am aware of her social-life within school, and her social-life outside of it, such as where she lives (Glendale, Queens). She loves her school, Talent Unlimited, a school for those who choose to pursue acting, singing, dancing etc. So odds are applicants in that school are kids of similar goals and needs who will have less differences than anything else between them. And in Glendale, "Gaydale" is what she'll refer to it as, is a place she terribly hates to live in. Supposedly she has only one friend out there, or maybe that is because she only tolerates one teen in that area instead of giving any others a chance. To explain her situation as easy as possible, she is cool in her High School but not so cool in her neighborhood.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

HW 26 - photos and questions

q) what is your idea of the word cool?
a) cool, calm, relaxed individual. chilly .... depends what you mean by cool.

q)so theres different meanings?
a)yeah i suppose so

q) how does one's appearance affect how someone is cool?
a)it can define them. people dont wake up in the morning thinking they will look cool or uncool, they're worried whether they look nice or not. And the rest of the world will label them by the end of the day.

q) do you think you dress "cool"?
a) nah, i can dress, but i could care less at the end of the day. I could just go out with ripped jeans and a t-shirt and thats fine with me.

q) a homeless person could have just ripped jeans and a t-shirt. so you guys are same equivalence of cool?

a) **laughing out loud**

q) so whats your idea of cool?
a) ME!!

q) sir, can u keep this interview professional please? thank you
a) i mean... some one who gets a lot of looks as they walk past

q) why do you think they're getting those looks?
a)idk. if its a girl odds are they just look good. a guy i guess they got style or money or whatever girls like so much.

q)money? so money can make a person cool, whether they are a jerk or not?
a) hey... money talks.

q) what do you think makes someone "cooll"?

a) hmmm... well is this personel or am i answering for everyone ?

q) why, do you think urrr cool? and be honest

a) I don't think im cool in everyones eyes some people think im really a cool person because i am an outgoing bubbly person who lives life as the day goes and for the moment and what im feeling... but other people can find that obnoxious. (these questions are hard) everyone has ...there own taste. i dont think there is a deffinition of cool .
its different for everyone.

q) and whats your definition

a) well cool people are unique different who express themselves in ways i never thought of, people who think differently than i do but also someone i have things in common with. REALLY cool people are artistic in my opinion or have something that they do that can define them as a person that being... an athlete a poet a writer etc. "cool" people to me are fun spontaneous & outgoing