Monday, April 26, 2010

HW 50 - SOF Educator

Some one i interviewed with my class as a whole was Mr. Copeland. During our interview i voice-recorded our entire conversation. We asked him about how he became to teaching in the style he does, while teaching American History. One question asked of him was shouldnt you be fully aware of what you are teaching before having started as a teacher, and his response was "does a doctor know every single thing there is to know before going into medicine without ever having to open a medical book again? no, they continue to brush up on it and learn more just as the students as they go on." When a student asked him if he's ever come across or even already saved a student. He responded saying "saved them from what?" he believed, much like i do, that its just a stereotypical archtype that is only portrayed within movies. "Inspiring" is another road he didnt want to admit he was going down, only because he felt he had his own messes in his life to clean up. He says his style of teaching was inspired by this outrageous looking College professor who was the first person to ever be at fault for exposing him to radical teaching styles. He wanted to "emulate" his style somewhat. To see himself as any other profession would be in the music industry, although he loves to mix it up, beathoven etc. It outrages him but is expected to see that culturally we have moved in a different direction. No more classes like art or dance or music, before it was mandatory and specialized, but now it is almost complimentary.

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